Service Locations
Welcome to The Toby Center! Our fundamental and research proven strength is in strengthening a child’s attachment to their non-custodial parent by offering different types of locations where all can find an emotionally safe and enjoyable place to interact! As client families will meet according to a time allocated and court ordered schedule, it becomes imperative that all find convenience, and enjoyment during their time together. Our family monitors and therapists are mindful of these, and will help parents determine locations that may provide the best outcomes for each visitation session.
The Toby Center provides supervised visitation (supervised parenting time), child exchange and reunification services in multiple states. In several regions, The Toby Center provides comfortable meeting space for children and parents. Through partnering with local churches and non profits, the Toby Center provides calming meeting and youth room locations in several regions. We so value our history since 2010 in providing most of our service work in the community, where children where children and parents will enjoy their time together in public and family friendly environments. Among these locations are libraries, parks, restaurants, museums; activities may include picnics, playgrounds, pizza, bowling, and ice cream. All locations are suggestions and may be determined by agreement with both parents. Toby Center monitors have the final decision for locations but it is always best when both parents can suggest where their children’s interests and abilities will find interest, and joy!
The Toby Center is growing! We currently serve more than half of Florida, and provide services in Connecticut.
Can your community benefit from a Toby Center?
Are you a young agency needing administrative assistance and training?
Are you an individual who would like to create a Toby Center affiliate in your community?
Can you envision an experienced partner to help you establish yourself in your region?
Does your Circuit Court need visitation service providers?
If so, please complete the form below. We will look forward to discussing opportunities for additional Toby Center locations…anywhere!